There are so many things I want to write about. In the near future, you can expect blogs on the marriage conference, the sermon on the family you've always wanted and many other thoughts, motivations, encouragements and whatnot that I have running constantly through my brain. I have been overloaded lately and just trying to sort through the madness! Can I blame Ryot a little? Maybe say that she took some of my brain cells? I don't know but that's what I'm rolling with. :)
Lately, my brain can not get unwrapped around the idea of God's glory (and I don't mind it one bit). Through Rocky Bayou Baptist Church, Rocky Bayou Christian School, The Purpose Driven Life, and countless leaders, influences and friends that I experienced growing up, my soul was branded with the realization of my purpose for life. I believe whole-heartedly that my purpose on this earth is to glorify God. This begins as I wake up in the morning and is woven through every experience throughout the 24 hours that I am blessed with.
At first, it was just a statement. Then it was a nice poem to recite with no real meaning or understanding behind it. But when it hit me - and I say hit because it felt like a ton of bricks waking me up from a mediocre slumber - I was mindblown. When you finally realize that everything that happens, everyone who breaths, everything that exists does so just for the sole purpose of glorifying God, there is no way not to be changed. While this has been occupying my thoughts, I am reminded of what Jesus said in Luke 19:40. Jesus and his disciples were going to Jerusalem and his discples were shouting his praise saying, "Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!”. (Luke 19:38) The Pharisees were mad and told Jesus to rebuke his discples. I don't know but I can see Jesus almost smiling in verse 40 which says, "I tell you,” He[Jesus] replied, “if they[disciples] keep quiet, the stones will cry out."
This makes me smile and hurts my heart at the same time. It makes me smile because creation screams His praise everyday. Creation spins in orbit exactly as it is commanded to do. It obeys because it doesn't have a choice and it brings God glory daily. But it makes me sad because we are commanded to do the same. We are commanded to praise him, make disciples, love others, etc, all these things that would bring God glory. We have the choice to obey him and often times we get caught up in what we think would bring us happiness. We don't realize that bringing God glory and dwelling in His presence is the only place to receive the perfect, overflowing, never-ending love and joy that we could ever experience. And a crazy thing about it is when we do choose to run after things that don't please him, He forgives us and is glorified through our repentance.
When I am having a good day, my purpose is to glorify God.
When I am struggling with insecurities - glorify God.
When I am scared or anxious about the future - glorify God.
When I am bored or feeling uninspired - glorify God.
When I am hurting from past wounds or current tragedies - glorify God.
When I am angry from injustice - glorify God.
Glorify God. Period.
This is not a request, but a commandment. And a commandment with a promise to be filled with the joy, peace and very presence of the Holy Spirit. It's not an act we carry out begrudgingly, but a commandment that when completed with a right heart attitude, will give us the greatest joy and peace that we could ever imagine experiencing.
Now the question that I wrestled with for a long time: How is this carried out practically in my day to day life?
God sees all of eternity. The 80, 90, 100 years that we are on earth is not even a hiccup on the radar of eternity. But me? I'm stuck in this 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, 60 minutes an hour mentality. For me, it's harder to have what we call an 'eternal perspective'. I have things concerning me like my daughter getting disciplinary write ups for biting another a child, paying my rent so we have a place to live, fixing my car so I have reliable transportation, etc. Now I don't think any of this is bad. In fact, these are the very things that aid me in giving God glory. Everywhere I go I have the opportunity to be a living story of God's grace. I could probably survey your life and tell you ways that you can glorify God but this isn't about completing a checklist. This is about daily communion with the Almighty Abba Father and a great desire to bring Him glory. In my race of life, I have found that only falling at His feet and seeking His will for my life have I been successful at glorifying him in my deeds and thoughts. God is interested not in how much money you give, but your heart behind the giving. God is given the praise when our thoughts, actions and motives line up with His will and our desire to live a life filled by the Holy Spirit.
When I think about this awesome fact, this purpose, that I was created, designed even for the purpose of glorifying God, I just smile because honestly it makes life so much easier. It changes everything. Instead of crying to God and screaming "why has this happened to me?". The questions turn into desperate prayers for guidance. "God, I don't know why this is happeneing, but You do. Help me to glorify you through this trial." I'm not all. I fail constantly, but daily I am reminded that He doesn't expect or require perfect.
What that means in my life in its entirety, I'm not exactly sure yet. I don't know how God will use me or what people or experiences will cross my path. All I know is that I serve a great, mighty, powerful, forgiving, loving, tender, righteous, perfect God who deserves all the glory and praise that I can give Him.
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