Altogether Saturday was an interesting day. My foot hurts, my mouth hurts and my phone is stolen. awesome. So at the end of Saturday I decided I would read the Bible to get some encouragement from the Lord. I didn't pray before I opened my Bible. I didn't ask God to lead me to the verses that would speak his heart to mine. I just opened my Psalms of course. That is the encouraging book, right? That is the book that I read about His mercy never failing and how He leads me by the still waters and restores my soul, right? Then I read Psalm 51. The first 7 verses are David crying out to God for forgiveness and mercy. Then I got to verse 8 "Let me hear joy and gladness; Let the bones you have broken rejoice."
Honestly, I have to kinda laugh when I look at it now. God gives me exactly what I need when I need it EVERY TIME when I am sincerely seeking him. Saturday could have been a perfect day. I could have gotten to sleep in, not stepped on the belt buckle, not been headbutt in the face by my 1 1/2 yr old and not had my phone stolen...but then I wouldn't have been lead to say 'Let me hear joy and gladness; Let the bones you have broken rejoice.'
I will rejoice because God is good. All the time. Standing in the store, I heard Him speaking to my heart, "How are you going to respond, Kayla? What image are you going to give them of me? Is your attitude reflecting my glory?" And THIS is why I can rejoice, because even in the midst of less than happy occurrences, I can hear His voice guiding and encouraging me. And I will rejoice that His Spirit lives in me!
Thanks for sharing....I think we all have days like that! And I love the verse that God led you too.... Thanks for the reminder to be thankful no matter what!!