Monday, November 5, 2012

Thankful Nov Days 3-5:Children, Freedom & Health

Thankful November Day 3

I am so thankful for my children. We have a beautiful daughter, Ryot, who is 17 months old (tomorrow) and she lights up our life. She is our little miracle baby and I thank God for every moment we get blessed by her in our lives.

Then we are so blessed with Izzy and Vini. Izzabell is my spirited 8 year old step daughter. She is our susperstar. She sings all the time and is a leader. Everywhere we go she makes new "best friends" that follow her around. She has a kind heart, a giving spirit and is turning into a beautiful little diva! Vincint my charming 6 yr old stepson. He is so smart and so organized. He likes things a certain way and it is so cool to see the little wheels in his head turning when he figures out how something works. I remember bribing him a dollar to take his hat off for a picture to show his mohawk off. He is just so cool and knows it! He is going to be very rich one day. haha. I can't wait until we are in Colorado and get to be a bigger part of their lives. We love you so much Izzy and Vini!

Thankful November Day 4

I am so thankful for my freedom. I have freedom to worship the Lord, read His word, and speak freely what I believe. I read stories of foreign countries that don't have the ability to workship freely. It is so convicting to see their passion for the Lord. How do we not have the same passion when it is all readily available? How many people would be devastated and outraged if that freedom was taken away? All the more reason for us to use the time and opportunities we have to worship, seek and share the Lord! I know this is something that I am convicted of on a daily basis. Thank you Lord for my freedom.

Thankful November Day 5

I am thankful for my health. Now, I can tell you stories of weird seizure activity in 2008, Mono w/Labrynthitus, migraines, PCOS, endometriosis, preeclampsia, emergency C-sections, emergency Cholecystectomy (gall bladder removal), problems with my low-resting heart rate and other things that have "gone wrong" in my life. I have stories to tell and I have gone through some pretty painful stuff. But I am able to walk, talk, laugh, grow, understand, enjoy my children, breathe, think, see, hear, taste, feel and carry through life on a day to day basis with generally no pain. Sure I have bad days with my heart beating funny or my stomach hurting, but I'm alive. I get to spend time with my husband, children and other loved ones. I get to run and work out. I get to play with Ryot. I get to chase Izzy and Vini at the playground. I get to feel their kisses and hugs. I get to enjoy being outside with them. I get to experience life. For that, I am so thankful.

Today I am loving seeing my friends and family posting things about what they are thankful for. So far, it's all the obvious things in the range that I have posted. The things that matter....that is, of course, except for ZacAttack who is thankful for soft toilet paper. But then I guess that is his FREEDOM to be thankful for whatever he wants...and since I am thankful for freedom, more power to you brother!

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