Thankful November Day 19- My Bible
I believe that the Bible is God's word. I believe that everything in the Bible is true. I believe that there is nothing in the Bible that contradicts itself. I believe that even though I don't understand all of it, God's plan is woven through every passage. Since I believe all of this, how can I not be thankful? I have the very words of the Almighty God in my grasp. So so thankful for this precious gift.
Day 20- Sundays
I am really thankful for Sundays. I look forward to going to church to praise God, read in the Bible and fellowship with other believers. It so uplifting to be in the presence of God and like-minded people. I often times struggle with the "rest" part of Sundays but I'm getting better at making it a time to rejuvenate for the rest of the week. It's easier to remember when I think about spiritual warfare. I need to be prepared to give a good witness and testimony throughout the week. Sundays definitely help with that.
Day 21- Mystery of God's Will
Supposedly, exactly a month from today the world is going to end. Just like supposedly in the year 2000 all of the computers were supposed to crash. I'm not worried about it because if the world does end I know that I will be in the presence of God and with my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ for eternity in glory and I'm so excited for that day!
Another reason I'm not worried about it is this:
Mark 13: 31-32 "Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away. But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father."
God has the whole world spinning in His timing. And I am SO thankful for this mystery! I think about all of these people who whole-heartedly believe the world is ending. They are so stressed and worried. I don't have to be stressed. I'm thankful for this mystery because God is in control. I'm thankful that I don't have to know the ends and outs of how life works. What a stress that would be!
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