Wednesday, June 6, 2012

2 Ears, 1 Mouth

You have TWO ears to listen and ONE mouth to speak, so which do you think God designed to be more important?

Tonight, my Pastor spoke on listening to God in prayer. This is something that I definitely needed to hear and be reminded of so Praise the Lord for His timing! These were my notes and thoughts about the message.

Prayer is communing with God. It's not just a monologue or religious activity.
Prayer doesn't lead us to an encounter with God, it IS the encounter with God.
Our goal in prayer is to find out what the will of God is and cooperate with it. We shouldn't come to him and just speak we need to listen.

***The CONDITIONS for praying in the Spirit:
1. Salvation - You must have salvation before you can have communion with Him.
2. Scripture - When you pray and ask for answers, the Spirit will never contradict Scripture. We should be praying scripture for the people that come to our hearts and minds because it is the truth that can heal and save.

***The CYCLE of praying in the Spirit:
1. Father initiates
2. Holy Spirit informs
3. Believer intercedes

The Father invites us to pray. Our desire or burden to pray for someone or something is God initiating those thoughts so that we can pray. The Holy Spirit will use the church, friends/family, scripture, life circumstances, etc to to show us God's will for our lives. We thought pray in concordance with the scipture because it is the truth and it is the heart of God. How appropriate that we pray God's word and truth so tthat HE will intervene and answe the prayer becuase it is His will. And it is ALL ABNOUTHis glory.

The cycle is complete when He answers the prayer and He gets the glory. The Bible says that prayers nill be abswered according to His will, not ours. The hardest part of prayer is finding out what God's will is.

***The COMMUNION of praying in the Spirit:
What can we expect him to say to us when we pray? When was the last time you prayed and didn't ask for anything???

***The CONCENTRATION of praying in the Spirit:
1. Anticipate God's response.
Too often we pray and dont expect Him to answer. We need to know and believe that God hears and answers prayers.
2. Be alert for God's resonses.
3. Adjust to God's response.
Once you anticipate that God is going to answer, and you listen to what He has to say, you have to be willing to do what God is calling yiou to do....even if it wasn't what you had planned.

***The CONSTANCY of praying in the Spirit:
NOTHING is going to happen apart from prayer. We have to be consistenly seeking and listening and God will put His favor on us!

Thank you Lord for watching over me and Ryot and blessing our family!

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