Sunday, August 29, 2010

Little Feet

This post is dedicated to kiddos. I know, I know. I have talked about children a lot so far. I have a huge spot in my heart specially reserved for those perfect little beings. Brian has two beautiful babies, Izzabell Rose and Vincint Paul. They are so beautiful and so much fun to be around. Izzy just turned 6 and is in school. She is independent and instantly everyone's BEST friend. She always has her "pretties" (99 cent glittery Wal-Mart lip gloss) with her at every moment. Vini is more mischevious. haha He loves cars-all kinds of cars.And he is so OCD about it. He will line up all of his cars in the PERFECT row. If you move one car or even just turn it around in the other direction, he will notice and turn it right back around. haha They are so adorable and really light up our lives. It's hard to be away from them, but it makes time spent with them that much more meaningful. Here are a couple pictures of Izzy and Vini....

Today must have been twin day because before lunch, we went to the dog park and there was a dad with his 7 or 8 yr old twin boys with their italian greyhound. Then at lunch, Brian and I sat across from a family of with twin boys who looks to be around 3 yrs old. They were beautiful. They were so full of life and love and just reminded me of my niece and twin nephews. My niece is so beautiful. She loves to read and tell stories. I remember her grabbing one of my sisters empty journals, and telling me a story about Princess Dora. She is so full of immagination and wonder...she truly is beautiful. Then there's the boys. They are do different from each other. Gabe is the truck man. He loves anything that has to do with trucks, cars, etc. My sister puts gel in his hair spiking it up. haha it is sooooo cute. He's spunky and crazy and funny. And there's chunky money Sean. He is as my sister puts it, "her little charmer". He just smiles and it melts your heart. He will sit and read or look at anything Mickey Mouse. They are both so handsome. Here are some pictures of my niece and nephews.....

This is Caedi, Sean and Gabe in the "man chair" at my big sister's house, and Caedi-bug writing and looking beautiful as ever!

Sean is on the left in the sandbox and Gabe is on the right-or course with a truck in his hand!!

And of course there is one of my BEST friends- NIKKI! I had a previous blog post about her belly and baby shower. Well I would like to welcome to the world my new little Monster---- Axel Troy Nikolas!!!
Nikki is so beautiful and she did such an awesome job with the birth and labor and everything. I am truly proud to call her my friend. Monster Axel is so lucky to have her as his mom. He is so tiny and beautiful and I can't wait to hold him in my arms and love on him!!!

I can't wait until I have my own. I know that I am young. I know that Brian and I haven't been married for very long. I have time, I need to live my life, blah blah blah blah. I know all of that. But what am I waiting for? My dream is a family. I am meant to have a family. It is what I hope for and dream about. It is what I yearn for and my heart truly desires. BUT, until that dream comes true for me I will love and dote on all of the little ones I do have in my life.

Love and kisses...

Kayla Jo


  1. i love you so much. thank you. you make me feel beautiful. You are truly one of my best friends, crazy how that works, since you didnt like me! ;) I know.. thats right, YOU LOVED ME right away. bahaha. axel is so lucky to have YOU in his life!! he's pretty special. i think i may keep him and not send him back to the stork, haha. dilf knows what i'm talking about

  2. awwwww thank you sweetheart! I cant wait to actually hold little monster!! I am truly blessed to have you as my friend!


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