Tuesday, October 9, 2012

How scary!! So, why not?

Driving to work this morning I was humming/mumbling/sort of singing the words "Love Come to Life" by Big Daddy Weave on KSBJ. Then I heard these lyrics that stopped me in my tracks:

"Bring your love to life inside of me
Why don’t you break my heart ’til it moves my hands and feet"

I turned down the music just so I could sort through my thoughts. I have heard this song a hundred times. (Ok, not literally a hundred, but you get my point) Everytime that I listen to it, I immediately hear phrases like "Would you reignite this heart spark here in the dark" and "For the hopeless and the broken for the ones that don’t know that you love them, Bring your love to life inside of me". But today was different. I had no problem before singing those words without a second glance, but today I thought, what a dangerous prayer! You are asking God to break your heart? Why would someone do that?
This would take complete trust in God.
This could cost you comfort.
This could shake your world.

Let me stop here and back up to Sunday night. I was listening to KSBJ, as always, and Jennie Allen was the guest speaker. Jennie Allen is an amazing woman of God, author of a couple Bible studies and a new book called "Anything: The Prayer That Unlocked My God and My Soul". I listened to her talk on the radio about a dangerous prayer that changed her life. Jennie and her husband, Zac who is a pastor at Austin Stone Community Church, prayed one night that they would do anyting for God. Did you catch that? ANYTHING. They were giving God everything they had. Their hopes, emotions, fears, materials, futures - Everything. It is a scary thought to let go of our control, or better put, our facade that we have control. Then she said something that the Holy Spirit grabbed and used to stir my heart. She said (and I paraphrase) that sometimes the thing that we are most afraid, nervous or negative about doing is the very thing that God is pushing us to do. It means that we have to put our complete reliance in Him. All day I can talk about how God is Sovereign, but is my faith only words or am I putting my faith into action by giving him complete control of my life and well-being?

This brings me back to this morning. When I heard that phrase "Break my heart 'til it moves my hands and feet" I immediately thought of Jennie Allen. My thoughts spiraled into other thoughts that bumped into feelings creating more feelings. What if this was my prayer? What if I really truly asked God to break my heart until it moved my hands and feet? That would mean that I would hurt for those hurting and be angry about injustice. That would mean that my finances would be used for more than Christmas presents and daily comforts. That would mean that my conversation would be about raising awareness and spreading the great message of God's love and the gift of salvation. Put pretty simply, that would mean my life would look more like Christ.

I smile now as I wonder if you will catch yourself the next time you say something is too hard, scary, dangerous, costly, etc. I wonder if you will let it stop you in your tracks OR if you will be pushed by the Holy Spirit to ask the next question.....


Isaiah 6:8 And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Then I said, “Here am I! Send me.”

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